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January 18, 2012
Regular Meeting
January 18, 2012
The meeting opened at 8:58 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick.

Informal Discussion Re: Site Plan Review for Verizon Building
Donald Ambrosio of Juniper Russell & Associates met with the board on behalf of Verizon. Mr. Ambrosio explained that Verizon has a central office in every town and each is equipped with a generator and battery backup. The building on Boylston Ave has a portable generator that sits outside and only turns on during loss of power. Verizon would like to replace it with a larger fixed unit with weather proof enclosure. The proposal is to install a generator to fit in a 16 x 8 enclosure and move it toward the back of building to be less visible from the street.
Verizon is requesting a waiver from Site Plan Review. Rick said the Bylaw will not allow a waiver with this exterior change. Abutters need to be notified.
Engineering Consultant James Barnes, representing Verizon said the sound level is comparable to the current unit and is actually 5 decibels quieter at 52 decibels.
Rick asked why not move to the rear of building. Mr. Ambrosio said the location was chosen based on access, but will move it back to satisfy the board. Rick asked for plans to include photographs with elevations. Brenda will forward site plan material.

Site Plan Review- 23 Hubbardston Rd – Mountainside Market
Rick read a letter which was mailed to abutters outlining the proposed plan. Jill Zelley explained her plan is to close off an existing entrance door and install an ice cream window with awning. After meeting with Deputy Fire Inspector Mark Matthews, it was determined that the location is safer for pedestrians. The awning will be permanent.
Mark asked about adequate egress noting it appears some areas may be difficult to exit in an emergency.  Jill said all is up to code. The fire corridor will not be affected.
Rick read a letter from Selectmen Raymond Dennehy in support of the ice cream window.
Bob Hersh, of 33 Hubbardston Rd asked about hours and an area to dispose of trash. Jill will put one in the area. The hours of operation will be seasonal and open until 8 pm.
Jessica Hart of Radford Rd said she is in support of the ice cream window.
Laura Gal, 44 Hubbardston Rd, supports the change and noted how well the Zelley’s manage the store.
Nathaniel Gove of Gregory Hill Rd is also in support of it.

Tom Moved to approve the modification with changes to the original Site Plan Decision as submitted. Mark seconded. All in favor 5-0.
John noted the conditions in the original decision are very clear. Brenda will send draft to John to finalize.
E. Princeton Village Update
February 15 is the date for the public forum. The agenda will be finalized during the February 1 meeting. A reminder message will be sent on February 8 via email and town news.

Worcester Rd Project Advisory Committee Update
Tom created a list of 237 abutters.  Vera will hold the workshop on February 29 at the Thomas Prince School. Jerry believes there is a charge for the use of the school. Brenda will find out if it is free for town use. Tom moved that the board approve funding for up to $250 from the Planning Board expense account for the cost of mailing and use of the school for the Worcester Rd Project Advisory Committee Workshop. John seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Administrative Business
Discuss ZBL Section XVII B (3)
Rick reported there has been confusion on what is meant by the language in section B (3) relative to the term “1/3 or 900 square feet”, and whether it’s the larger of the two.  The original intent was to provide latitude to applicant, the 900 square feet or 1/3 of the combined dwelling allows it to be the greater of the two. At this time, the board agreed not to make changes.

Expense Account Review
The board reviewed the expense account details.

Meeting Minutes
January 4 Regular Meeting - Mark moved to approve. John seconded. All in favor (5-0).
January 4 Public Meeting - Jerry moved approve as amended. Mark seconded. All in favor (5-0).  (Includes vote by Ann Neuburg; John Mirick abstained).

Other Business
John will contact PMLD to find out if the system has the capability to accept a solar array.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant